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*Pre Sale*A Royal Commitment: Ten Years of Marriage and Activism* - Signed Hardcover (Two Authors' Signatures + Official Stamp) *Pre Sale*

*Pre Sale*A Royal Commitment: Ten Years of Marriage and Activism* - Signed Hardcover (Two Authors' Signatures + Official Stamp) *Pre Sale*

Regular price $54.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $54.99 USD
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Experience the powerful journey of *A Royal Commitment: Ten Years of Marriage and Activism* with this black-and-white print signed hardcover edition. Priced at $54.99, this edition features the signatures of both HRH Prince Manvendra Singh Gohil and HH Prince DeAndre, Duke of Hanumanteshwar, along with the official stamp of Hanumanteshwar. While not a collector's edition, this hardcover provides a meaningful connection to the authors and their inspiring story of love and activism. A perfect addition for those who appreciate a personal touch in a classic, durable format.

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